Dragon’s Den learnings


Dragon’s Den was very nerve wracking to say the least!

Once I got to class and saw how many dragons there were I got really nervous.1315460 We got up and did our presentation and as we presented we got comfortable and I think overall the presentation was good. We held our own. With that said, there are definitely a ton of things we need to work on from issues with our product (or possibly even changing our product) to presentation style and topics.

It was really cool to watch the other groups go and see what they came up with and what their business plans were.

Everyone has such different style so it was a good learning tool to watch the other groups present.

I think everyone felt a little down after the Dragons tore into each business, but overall it was a really good experience and now we know what we need to work on for the final Dragon’s Den.

The main issues with Rebrella were its functionality, materials and production. We need to smooth the process out and find a more cost effective way to make our business plan work. Right now if we did have high volume in orders, we would not be able to handle it with the way our business is currently laid out.

Over Christmas break CreateAbit is going to do some soul searching and figure out whether we stay with Rebrella or find a new product. We need to figure this out quickly and then begin branding, selling and preparing for trade shows when the new semester begins.

Until next semester…
